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Main Research Fields:                                                          

Household Finance


Academic Appointments                                                       

Tilburg University, Professor in Finance, 2024 -

EDHEC Business School, Professor in Finance, 2020 - 2024

EDHEC Business School, Associate Professor in Finance, 2018 - 2020

Research Fellow Swedish House of Finance Stockholm School of Economics, 2020

CEPR Research fellow, 2020 -

CEPR Research associate, 2016 - 2020

HEC Paris, Associate Professor in Finance, September 2016 - August 2018

Bocconi University, Assistant Professor in Finance, September 2011 - August 2016


Tilburg University, Ph.D. in Finance, 2011


Main publications                                                                                                                                        

1. Dimmock, S., R. Kouwenberg, O. Mitchell, and K. Peijnenburg (2021) Household Portfolio Underdiversification and Probability Weighting: Evidence from the Field, Review of Financial Studies, 34, 4524-4563.

2. Eisele, A., T. Nefedova, G. Parise, and K. Peijnenburg (2020) Trading out of sight: An Analysis of Cross-Trading in Mutual Fund Families, Journal of Financial Economics, 135, 359-378.

3. Parise, G. and K. Peijnenburg, (2019) Noncognititive Abilities and Financial Distress: Evidence from a Representative        Household Panel. Review of Financial Studies, 32, 3884-3919.

4. Peijnenburg, K. (2018) Life-Cycle Asset Allocation with Ambiguity Aversion and Learning. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 53, 1963-1994.

5. Peijnenburg, K., T. Nijman, and B. Werker (2017) Health Cost Risk: A Potential Solution to the Annuity Puzzle. The Economic Journal, 127, 1598-1625.

6. Dimmock, S., R. Kouwenberg, O. Mitchell, and K. Peijnenburg (2016) Ambiguity Aversion and Household Portfolio Choice Puzzles: Empirical Evidence. Journal of Financial Economics, 119(3), 559-577. Top 25 most cited articles in JFE since 2016 onwards.


Other publications                                                                                                                                 

7. Anantanasuwong, K., R. Kouwenberg, O. Mitchell, and K. Peijnenburg (2024) Attitudes for Real-World Sources: Field Evidence from a Large Sample of Investors. forthcoming Experimental Economics.

8. Bütler, M., K. Peijnenburg, and S. Staubli (2017) How Much Do Means Tested Benefits Reduce the Demand for Annuities? Journal of Pension Economics and Finance, 16, 419-449.

9. Peijnenburg, K., T. Nijman, and B. Werker (2016) The Annuity Puzzle Remains a Puzzle. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control. 70, 18-35.

10. Dimmock, S., R. Kouwenberg, O. Mitchell, and K. Peijnenburg (2015) Estimating Ambiguity Preferences and Perceptions in Multiple Prior Models: Evidence from the Field. Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 51, 219-244.

Working papers                                                                                                                                     

11. Breaking Bad: How Health Shocks Prompt Crime? Revise and Resubmit American Economic Journal: Applied Economics. S. Andersen, E. Colmsjö, and G. Parise

12. Extrapolators and Contrarians: Forecast Bias and Household Stock Trading. S. Andersen, S. Dimmock, and K. Nielsen.

Editorial positions                                                                                                                                     

Associate Editor Review of Financial Studies 2024 -

Editor Journal of Pension Economics and Finance 2022 -

Google citation count                                                                    

August 2024: 1222

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